Where's that pesky tortoise got to ?
Where's that pesky tortoise got to ?
It’s 1966. What springs to mind? Surely not England winning the world cup? Might it be seeing Star Trek on tv for the 1st time? Or could it be Texas Instruments inventing the 1st thermal printer? Exciting stuff! Or Pierre Cardin launching his Space Age collection? There's one other event I don’t remember, and that’s the happening that was Oxford University Press publishing Brian Wildsmith’s The Hare and the Tortoise! But forgive me. I was only one.
It’s way up there with my favourite BW books. The illustrations are amazing and so much fun. And let’s not forget the moral of the story. One I have repeated to myself probably every day since…Thousands of times… ‘Slow and steady wins the race’ or ‘if we work hard and don’t give up, we will succeed.’
Eeuum…I’ll get back to you on that one.